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New Jersey

Slow Ride? Take It Easy: Helping the Slow Rider of Your Group

Most of us who ride in groups have dealt with it: the slow rider that exercises an over abundance of caution on the road. After they put on all their gear on climb onto their bike, they can’t wait to get out there and start riding. Unfortunately while they may have no shortage of enthusiasm, some riders struggle to get into their comfort zone at first, and wind up at a noticeably slower pace than the rest of their group.

Whether they’re afraid of getting into an accident or getting pulled over, these slow riders usually just need time to adjust to road and the machine that’s under them. It’s highly recommended that new riders learn the ins and outs of their bike before riding by themselves or in groups. While they may think they’re exercising safe riding behavior, overly slow riders run the risk of getting separated from their group and causing unsafe traffic conditions. According to the National Motorists Association, driving 10 miles under the speed limit is more likely to cause an accident than driving 10 miles over.

There are a number of things you can do to help keep the slow rider of your in your group safe while helping them get the most out of the motorcycle experience:

Give them time and space — Pushing a rider over their comfort level is a dangerous practice for them, you and everyone else with whom you share the road. Give them the latitude they need to get comfortable without making them feel like they’re slowing down you or the group.

Designate a riding partner — The reality is that if your whole group rides at the same speed as your slowest driver, it can cause real problems. With that being said, you can’t exactly leave them in the dust. Appoint a specific rider in your group, preferably one with a lot of experience, to ride along with the slow rider. This will ensure they have a guide and companion until they feel comfortable going faster on their own.

Offer to practice with them — a one-on-one ride-along on back-roads may go a long way to develop slow riders’ confidence on larger roads and highways. It’s also helpful to offer whatever advice and positive reinforcement you can during these practice rides.

Encourage them to get the best insurance possible — While nobody likes to think about it, motorcycle accidents do happen and quality insurance is key to making sure you’re protected.

If you or or any riders in your group were in an accident, it is imperative that you have effective and knowledgeable representation that understands New Jersey’s motorcycle insurance laws backward and forward. Andrew Prince has spent decades as an attorney and advocate for NJ’s population of motorcycle riders. Call us today so we can get you the compensation you deserve.