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New Jersey

See the World on Two Wheels: We’ll Be Right Here If Anything Happens

Every day can feel like a vacation for motorcyclists who take to the open road — for fun and even to get to and from work. However, for bikers who really want some adventure, one New Jersey company is offering motorcycle tours and rental packages in India and South East Asia. That’s along way from the country roads of the Garden State.

Getting excited? The experience promises a whole new frontier for adventurous riders, but it could also pose a variety of safety challenges. The alluring freedom of this kind of adventure can cause many to forget about safety and get themselves into serious trouble. Even with a guide, the unfamiliar roadways of these countries can prove to be problematic for even the most experienced rider. To say nothing of the different laws to which riders are bound–dealing with the highway patrol in India or Southeast Asia may prove to be a very different experience than getting pulled over in the United States.

While safety and responsibility are paramount in any ride, accidents do happen and you need protection and guidance in the event that one happens to you, no matter where you choose to travel.

Make sure you only opt for an adventure package that comes with considerable insurance; the risks are many and you have no idea what you may find once you are away from home — and US hospitals and our legal system. Additionally, max out on your insurance coverage here at home. That way, you will be able to take advantage of the freedom to blaze new trails through the Himalayan desserts and Sayhadri hills without worrying about what’s going to happen if you take a wrong turn or misread a sign.

Andrew Prince has been an attorney and advocate for motorcycle riders for decades, helping them safely and responsibly navigate New Jersey’s motorcycle insurance laws and representing their best interests in the event of an accident. Prince is a member of the American Bikers Aimed Toward Education and the American Motorcyclist Association, and is constantly staying abreast of the new laws that affect riders. Contact him today about your accident.