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New Jersey

Cali-Where? Three Breathtaking Motorcycle-Friendly Roads in the Northeast

Many motorcyclists undoubtedly dream, to some degree, of hitting the road and riding across the country. But as jobs, families and other obligations rear their heads, this dream becomes largely one reserved for the young and carefree or the newly retired. If you can’t get away for the entire summer to ride the road and explore the natural majesty of the United States, perhaps a quick weekend trip to one of the Northeast’s hidden gems will be more your speed. Below are three of the Northeastern United States’ most beautiful and rider-friendly roads for you and your friends to explore during riding season.

Northern Connecticut Border Run
See the best of Connecticut while riding through 35 miles of farmland and forestry. This undisturbed route has very little traffic and takes you from the crossroads of routes 169 and 190 in North Woodstock to route 159 in Enfield. This ride is a good choice for new riders who want to get their feet wet on longer trips.

Catskill Preserve
This 100-mile stretch of road takes you through mountains and reservoirs for an experience that only the celebrated Catskills region can deliver. This route is largely untouched by traffic but still has plenty of civilization along the way in the form of shops and towns where you can stretch your legs.

New Jersey Skyline Drive
And, of course, who could forget about New Jersey? This ride starts you off near Oakland and gives you the option of driving north to Sussex or south to Wayne via 287. Along the way you will travel winding roads and pass many scenic landmarks, including Ringwood Manor State Park. This ride is 23 miles of Garden State grandeur.

You don’t have to carve out your whole summer to clock some quality miles. There are plenty of destinations for riders right here in the area. Remember to enjoy yourself, stay safe and contact an experienced attorney should your trip be derailed by an accident.

Andrew Prince is a dedicated lawyer and staunch advocate for the rights of motorcycle riders. Call today if you’re a biker who has been injured in a motorcycle accident.